MAP:Hit and Run Freedom Fighters
The leadership Problem in Igbo Land
MAP:Message to every social media content creator, online solicitors like Okwulora and A Lesson for Aku Big
Mazi Ezeaku speaks on the folly of Christianity
Methuselah Broadcast of 18th April, 2023
MAP-Speaks On Facing Reality
Nigerian President and Governors as Palace Slaves_FE(1)
Nnamdi Kanu, Fake Benin Kingdom and the Slave Trade A Reply_FE(1)
In whose Image for Negroes_FE(1)
Black and White Symbolism for Negroes _FE(1)
Third Parties in marriages for Negroes _FE(1)
Biafra Freedom and Negro Slavery - A reply_FE(1)